Don’t be a stranger ! Visit my profile on Linkedin, or better yet ; send me an email ! I’d love to hear from you 🙂
My portfolio is awesome!
Just in case you just landed here, and therefore missed my entire showcase, please – feel free to have a look.
Who am I?
My resume on Linkedin is up to date. In short though:
I lived and worked for 7 years in France, so I’m fluent in french. And swedish, of course. I have a driver’s, diver’s and climber’s licence, I’m a tea person and you will never see me ingest a beer – a delicious glass of Amarone, on the other hand, you don’t have to ask me twice.
I judge no one. I will not be offended by colleagues having a beer, promise.
I am an artist with the mind of an engineer.
I love, love to create new packaging solutions. I have finally found what I am supposed to do; structural and graphic packaging design for a better future. Sounds grand, yes, but most packaging solutions I have to deal with as a customer today could easily be improved and made more eco friendly, logistically sustainable, more profitable and with a lower environmental footprint. Easily.
I am always looking for a chance to improve the way we do things.